The Student Services Department at LCS works with students, teachers, and parents to assist and support each student's academic progress and development. The department offers Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) and accommodations for those students who qualify. Students entering LCS with an established IEP or educational diagnosis from a private evaluator will need to meet with the Educational Services department in order to determine an appropriate educational plan.

Student Services also offers on-site tutoring during school hours to any student who is experiencing academic challenges. In elementary school, tutoring is focused on math and reading skills, as these subjects are more global in their effects on student progress. In middle and high school, tutoring is subject-based.

LCS also welcomes students who are English Learners. These students are eligible to receive services through Ed Services to support them as they develop their English language skills. English proficiency exams are administered to our EL students in the fall and spring. 

For more information regarding Student Services, please contact

